We traveled up to our development the other day to see what (if anything) was going on.
Here is our lot. It seems pretty, or at least the view from the back of the house seems pretty! In a new subdivision we will be the only ones with a mature tree to look at!
We were very pleased to see that they have started work a little early and have begun pouring foundations for the semis. (Originally they were supposed to get done in July, so we are a few weeks ahead.)
I'm hopeful that they will have ours done and ready to be framed by mid-July. And, if the weather this summer cooperates and gives us a dry summer, we should be moved in by December. (Fingers crossed.)
One week ago our lot was a heap of dirt.
This week they had graded all the lots, including ours.
Our street. Even though the drainage grate is on our side in the back, we were fortunate enough to miss having the cable box out in front. (Thank goodness.) Same goes for the ugly green electrical boxes.
The view from the front of our house. We are lucky enough to not even have a lamp directly infront of our house!
Even though things seem to be moving well we have a bit of time to figure out colours for the interior.
Originally, we were thinking of a darker stained hardwood . . . but a few people have warned us off dark stains since they show lint and scratches and dents easily. We need to stain it, so if anyone has a good colour option, please let us know! Also, we need to think about cabinet colours, carpet colours, and other options/upgrades. If you have any suggestions from your current or present rental/houses . . . let us know!