September 27, 2011


Sorry, I'm so very behind in blogging these days. Seems life doesn't ever let up for more than a minute.

But, in the few minutes I do have available I stumbled across this commercial and thought it was funny!


Check out all the other great commercials at

(They seriously have great marketers . . . these commercials make me want to slap down all my pennies, er, thousands if I had them, on their products.)

September 13, 2011

Extra-Cirricular Activities

For Mom.

Seriously. It is like a full-time job trying to figure out extra-cirricular activity schedules for 3-4 kids . . . and figure out which days of the week we will be eating on the run, which I will be entertaining 3 children while another does their thing . . .

You would have thought I had learned my lesson, bopping around at soccer all summer long.

But, we really feel it is important to keep our kids busy in things, and give them opportunities to learn new skills so they can discover what they are good at.

First up was securing swimming.

I wasn't crazy about the idea . . . swimming in the fall only to forget everything by spring or summer (because I am NOT the mom who takes kids swimming in winter!). But, the kids insisted and I figured that any time (but winter) is a good time to start learning how to swim properly. I asked around for swim school recommendations. There really aren't many out this way, but one happened to be 20 minutes away . . . not bad. The other mom told me how great it was and that she started lining up at 4 am for places.

4 am?? That's crazier than dealing with swim kids in winter!! I was so not going to do that. And, even at 9am (when it ACTUALLY opened for registration) I figured I'd wait a bit more and let the crowds die down. It was my first activity so I could afford to take what I could get.

I headed over at about 1 pm. Three people were still ahead of me and a rush of people came minutes after me. I talked to the owner and he said people were sleeping outside his house, in line, since midnight. Yes, MIDNIGHT.

And apparently it's not just the locals who are drawn in. People from townships and cities two, or three over were lining up.

We were given the choice of Tuesday nights at 7 pm or Friday night at 6 pm. It was a pretty easy choice. The rest of the week was filled with 30 minute classes . . . mostly all full.

I was pretty pleased though that we had a spot at this "great place" . . . until I had to hand over the check. No where on the flyers or the conversations with neighbours mentioned prices.


I about died. I could just imagine the conversation I would have to have with Brad later.

However, if you figure that is for three kids to be taught by world class athletes (the owner medalled for South Africa, and his son swims internationally), from mid-September to mid-December . . . it kind of works out. Certainly, it is more expensive than the swim lessons as the rec centers we were used to. But then again, those lessons didn't teach my kids to even FLOAT in water after the 6 weeks were up.

Next up, gymnastics and soccer vs tennis . . .