I can't help but laugh when I see our tree. (And secretly wish to run out and buy any other tree I can find.)
I almost want to deck it out in the tackiest ornaments known to man-kind.
It truly is horrible.
Like make-you-want-to-cry horrible. Or wish the Grinch down the road would come and take it.
It is tall and free so it does have some merits.
However, on a night when the kids were going crazy (and we were going insane) and I thought that the idea of trimming a tree would be another horrible experience (see last year), it turned out to be a wonderful time.
I blared on some old Christmas carols, the kids really got into decorating. Single lines from virtually every Christmas song known to man were strung together in one song by Jackson.
The experience even became (gasp) peaceful.
I think Jackson said it best as he sung out, "It's the most beautiful time of the year . . . "
It is.
Even if our tree looks a little funny. It has a lot of heart put into it, and inner beauty is most important, right?? (But Santa, if you feel impressed to leave a new tree behind this year, we won't be offended.)
** The next day Jackson came into the living room to admire the tree. "We really did a good job decorating it!" Yes, we certainly did our best.